



作者:正规买球app发布时间:2022-09-26 10:55








(二)妥善安置受灾群众,充分保障他们的基本生活。共有1058.40000人受灾困难,28.60000人从“三个孤儿”,转移6万人 安置1510.62万受灾群众,3个月内,灾区每人得到1斤口粮,每天10元补助,并在未来3个月内,按月向仍需要救助的每人发放200元补助;孤儿、孤残、孤残基本生活补助每人每月600元。慰问金灾区遇难者家属每人5000元 多措并举妥善解决灾区群众临时住房保障灾区学校按时复课中考和高考保持灾区安心和社会稳定的良好局面。




(五)加大财政资金投入,加大政策扶持力度。中央设立灾后恢复重建基金。今年先安排700亿元,后续继续安排明年和明年制定,其中专项400亿元,用于农村房屋恢复重建。此外,中央还安排250亿元用于救灾。截至目前,中央财政累计投入地震灾区抢险救灾资金和灾后恢复重建资金6.70.47亿元。 《关于地震灾区恢复生产的指导意见》、《关于支持汶川地震灾后恢复重建的政策措施的意见》、《关于开展工作的指导意见》 g 做好汶川地震灾后恢复重建工作”,制定了财政投资、税费优惠、财政支持、土地使用保障、对口帮扶、社会招聘、人员安置、就业援助、社会保险、倒塌房屋重建等有效促进了灾后生产恢复重建。

(六)建立对口支援机制,有效调动各方力量。中央制定了《汶川地震灾后恢复重建对口支援方案》。全国19个省(市)提供对口支援四川省(市)18个重灾县(市)和甘肃、陕西两省灾区,目前各方面对口支援和帮扶工作正在全面展开,各对口支援省领导专家(市)到灾区现场指导,及时制定详细的对口支援实施方案并率先启动 部分灾区急需的重建项目 国内外对灾区的支援——各种形式的灾区累计5.92.74亿元,超过4285万党员共缴纳“专项党费”90.41 bi百万。






目前,抗震救灾工作已进入恢复重建的重要阶段。党中央、国务院对灾后恢复重建工作作出全面部署。 《汶川地震灾后恢复重建总体方案》即将实施。要充分认识恢复重建工作的重要性、艰巨性和复杂性,进一步增强责任感、紧迫感和使命感,全面落实和完成方案提出的各项任务,坚决打好灾后恢复攻坚战。和重建。


一是坚定不移地继续妥善安置受灾群众生活。这仍然是一项非常紧迫和艰巨的任务。现在气温一天比一天低,冬天来了。我们必须提前为受灾群众做好一切工作。一是全面完成过渡性安置房建设,对冬季仍需使用的临时过渡性住房开展隔热防寒改造,加快对受损房屋的识别和加固,准备足棉大衣、棉被、取暖设备等,保障受灾群众过冬安全。二是落实受灾群众后续救助政策,重点从临时救助过渡到城乡低保、农村五保、冬春饥荒救助等政策,特别是安置生活。 “三个孤儿”。三是加强救灾生活物资的收拨,严格执行救灾资金物资管理的有关规定,所有救灾生活物资必须公开、透明、高效地使用。重点保障粮油蔬菜、方便食品等生活必需品供应,确保灾区群众基本生活有保障。四是狠抓受损校舍的维修加固和预制教室建设,组织好教材供应,保障灾区学校正常复课,让所有孩子都能上学。好好上学。五、继续做好伤病员救治工作,加强对灾区群众的心理疏导和社区人文关怀,采取多种心理干预措施,治疗灾区群众心理创伤。灾区,努力营造全社会关心、帮助灾区人民的社会氛围。六是继续加强社会治安管理,做好情感疏导和矛盾纠纷排查化解工作,维护灾区社会稳定。




在基础设施恢复重建中,要以恢复功能为主,以保障安全为重点,根据地质地理条件和城乡分布,科学确定建设标准,并增强安全保障能力。道路恢复重建要充分利用原有道路和设施,以主干道为重点,兼顾高速公路,开辟必要的县际、农村死角,适当增加必要的迂回路线,初步形成生命线道路网络。按照资源共享、先进实用、安全可靠的要求,加快公共通信网络恢复重建,加强应急通信能力建设,推进网络化综合信息服务平台建设,提高公共通信网络建设水平。通信服务水平和备灾应急能力。重点输电设施、骨干供电和外输通道、城乡中低压配电网和户用设施的恢复重建,规划建设电力结构和布局调整工程。要全面清除和加固影响防洪安全的受损堤坝和水库川主寺至汶川段公路灾后恢复重建工程 中国云南路建,疏浚堵塞河道,恢复防洪能力,消除堰塞湖坝对防洪的影响,恢复重建水文和预警和预报设施。


四是坚持以扩大就业为导向促进产业重建发展。产业重建是发展灾区经济、扩大灾区就业、维护灾区稳定的根本途径。根据资源环境承载能力、产业政策和就业需求,以企业为主体,以市场为导向,合理引导受灾企业就地恢复重建,在不同地区建设新建筑。关停转移,支持特色优势产业发展,促进经济结构调整。 ,推动发展方式转变。产业方面,力争年底前有韧性的企业基本达到灾前水平。对短期内可以恢复生产的重点骨干企业,组织专项力量进行重点帮扶。积极引导国内同行业、同类企业特别是大型骨干企业对口支援重灾区企业,通过联盟、兼并重组等方式,吸引东部地区企业参与企业恢复重建按照国家产业政策和行业准入标准,优化产业布局,培育产业集群,建立循环经济集群。农业方面,加快对受损农田、畜禽圈舍、温室大棚、养殖池、农机具等进行恢复重建和应急抢修,引导受灾群众发展高效农业,解决农产品销售难题因灾害,尽力弥补灾害损失。要因地制宜恢复发展优势特色农产品和生产基地,支持农业产业化龙头企业和各类农业专业合作组织,恢复重建各类农业服务体系和基础设施,稳步提升农业综合生产能力。结合贫困村、国有农场、国有林场的特殊情况,统筹安排相关设施建设。服务业方面,重点恢复商贸流通川主寺至汶川段公路灾后恢复重建工程 中国云南路建,维护和加强商业、银行、证券等网点,积极引导商贸流通企业和个体工商户搞活流通领域。商品。实施旅游振兴工程川主寺至汶川段公路灾后恢复重建工程 中国云南路建,加强重点旅游区和精品旅游线路建设,恢复重建重要风景名胜区。

就业是民生之本,特别是在灾区。在灾后恢复重建中,必须把扩大就业放在特殊的重要位置。产业重建要坚持就业优先原则,积极支持个体私营企业、中小企业和劳动密集型产业发展,出台促进就业的各项政策。落实好,实现恢复重建。与扩大就业良性互动。要恢复重建就业服务设施川主寺至汶川段公路灾后恢复重建工程 中国云南路建,加大就业帮扶力度,通过对口支援、劳务输出、定向招聘、以工换粮、自力更生等多种措施,解决规划区内约100万劳动力稳定就业。 ——就业,创造公益性岗位。重点是帮助零就业家庭实现至少一份工作。


要加强重要基础设施灾害风险评估,全面落实防灾设防相关标准,特别是适当提高学校、医院等公共服务设施抗震设防标准。要加强铁路、公路、民航等运输保障能力,电力系统抗灾能力建设,通信网络容灾后备能力建设,加强城乡建设工程抗震设防监管,健全农村住宅地震安全管理体制机制,设立应急避难所等。防灾设施建设纳入城乡规划。要进一步提高应急抢险抢险能力,充实骨干力量川主寺至汶川段公路灾后恢复重建工程 中国云南路建,提高装备水平,健全抢险抢修和抢险抢险专业队伍。要健全应急管理体制机制,完善各项防灾应急预案,健全救灾物资储备体系。要把灾害教育纳入国民教育体系,让科学的防灾减灾救灾知识走进学校、工厂、农村、家庭,提高公民和社会的风险防范意识。

六是重点抓好生态修复、环境整治和土地整治。生态环境恢复重建要尊重自然、规律、科学,加强生态修复和环境整治,促进经济与人口、资源、环境相协调发展。在生态修复方面,要坚持自然修复与人工管理相结合,以自然修复为重点。做好天然林保护、退耕还林、退牧还草、封山造林、人工造林和小流域综合治理,恢复受损植被。实施岷江、嘉陵江、涪江、白龙江流域上游生态修复工程,逐步恢复水源涵养、水土保持等生态功能。加强各级自然保护区、风景名胜区、森林公园和地质公园保护设施的恢复重建。在环境整治方面,要加强对污染源和环境敏感区的监督管理,做好水源地和土壤污染治理、杂物清除、垃圾无害化处理、危险废物和医疗废物处置等工作。恢复重建灾区环境监测监管设施,提高环境监管能力。 In terms of land consolidation and reclamation, we must focus on the restoration of cultivated land, especially basic farmland. The damaged cultivated land should be repaired as much as possible to minimize the loss of cultivated land. Temporary land for emergency rescue and disaster relief and transitional resettlement land shall be cleared in a timely manner and restored as arable land as much as possible. For the damaged towns, villages and old industrial and mining sites, as well as other plots that can be sorted into construction land, it is necessary to promptly clean up and renovate, and minimize the occupation of cultivated land for restoration and reconstruction.

Seventh, ensure that the restoration and reconstruction policies and measures determined by the central government are put in place. The central government has formulated a whole set of policies and measures to support post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. Governments at all levels in the disaster-stricken areas and relevant departments of the State Council must implement them without compromise, so as to reassure the people of the whole country and satisfy the people in the disaster-stricken areas. The first is to strengthen the tracking and management of the implementation of policies and funds, projects and important materials, and consciously accept the supervision of the people's congress at the same level, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and all sectors of society. The second is to regularly announce the source, quantity, distribution, allocation and use of restoration and reconstruction funds and materials, regularly announce the acceptance and use of domestic and foreign donations and materials, and actively accept social supervision. The third is to strengthen the follow-up audit of the whole process of the collection, distribution, appropriation, use and effect of restoration and reconstruction funds and materials, and regularly publish the audit results to ensure that reconstruction funds are used for special purposes in accordance with regulations, and are not occupied, withheld or misappropriated. The fourth is to strictly implement the project legal person responsibility system, the bidding system, the contract management system and the project supervision system. Strengthen the supervision of the quality and safety of construction projects and product safety and quality, and organize inspections of major projects. The fifth is to register the collection, distribution, appropriation, and use of construction projects and restoration and reconstruction funds and materials, establish and improve archives, and hand over the archives to relevant departments in a timely manner after the completion of construction projects and the completion of restoration and reconstruction. The sixth is to register the names of the victims and missing persons in the earthquake, publish them through local media, and finally verify them. This is respect for the victims.

三、Comprehensive strengthening of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction leadership


Rehabilitation and reconstruction is a major and urgent popular project. We must further enhance political awareness, overall situation awareness, responsibility awareness, and quality awareness, fully complete and complete various restoration and reconstruction tasks on time, and hand over an answer sheet that can stand the test of practice and history to the people in the disaster-stricken areas and the whole country.

First, strengthen leadership and fulfill responsibilities. The overall plan for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction has been announced, basic policies have been determined, and funding sources have been basically implemented. The key is to ensure that the responsibilities are in place, and the specific tasks, responsible subjects and completion time periods must be clearly defined. It should be emphasized that under the leadership of the State Council, the main responsibility for restoration and reconstruction lies with the governments at all levels in the disaster-stricken areas. Provincial-level people's governments are responsible for the post-disaster restoration and reconstruction in their respective regions, lead, coordinate, supervise and inspect the implementation of post-disaster restoration and reconstruction plans, and are responsible for formulating the province's annual restoration and reconstruction plans. The people's governments of cities and counties shall coordinate and organize the implementation of urban and rural housing, agricultural production and rural infrastructure, public services, social management, commerce and trade, and other reconstruction tasks such as disaster prevention and mitigation, ecological restoration, environmental improvement, and land consolidation and reclamation that can be implemented to the county level by level. . Reconstruction tasks involving infrastructure such as transportation, communications, energy, water conservancy and other cross-administrative districts shall be organized and implemented by provincial people's governments and relevant departments of the State Council. In particular, it is necessary to strengthen the statistical work of disaster situation, find out the basic disaster situation, and provide accurate information for formulating policies and making good use of them, and for scientifically carrying out restoration and reconstruction work. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a recovery and reconstruction target assessment system to ensure that each responsible subject completes various tasks in accordance with the quality and quantity within the specified time limit.

Second, self-reliance and hard work. This is the fine tradition of our party and the heirloom of the people of the whole country. At present, my country is still in the primary stage of socialism, and the country and localities are supporting the recovery and reconstruction of disaster-stricken areas without being prosperous. The cadres and people in the disaster area should proceed from the overall situation, continue to carry forward the spirit of diligence, thrift and hard work, mainly rely on their own wisdom and hard-working hands to build new homes, and ensure that every fund and material are used in the most urgently needed places in the disaster area. The construction projects can better meet the needs of the people in the disaster-stricken areas, and bring out the greatest economic, social and environmental benefits. It should be pointed out that restoration and reconstruction must adhere to overall planning, comprehensive balance, careful calculation, and within our capabilities. The counterparty support parties should strengthen communication and connection on the counterpart assistance tasks, methods, reconstruction projects and relevant construction standards, and formulate construction plans that conform to the actual situation of the disaster area, so as to prevent the restoration and reconstruction from causing new conflicts due to the large gap between regions. At the same time, it is necessary to guide and encourage other regions and domestic and foreign enterprises to rely on the resource advantages of the disaster area to carry out market-oriented operation, strengthen the support for the disaster area industry, technology, talents and investment projects, and enhance the self-development ability of the disaster area. Leading cadres at all levels in the disaster-stricken areas should go to the grassroots level and take command at the front, so as to solve the practical difficulties and problems in the restoration and reconstruction in a timely manner. It is necessary to speed up the improvement of grass-roots organizations in disaster-stricken areas, and give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as fighting fortresses. The majority of party members must bear hardships first, play a vanguard and exemplary role, and become the vanguard leading the masses to rebuild their homes.

Third, effective guidance and enhanced service. Relevant departments of the State Council shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, promptly improve and organize the implementation of various special plans, and do a good job in guiding, coordinating and assisting the restoration and reconstruction work. Once approved by the National People's Congress, the central government's financial funds for supporting restoration and reconstruction and the special funds of various departments must be in place in full and in time to ensure that the special funds are used exclusively; for the restoration and reconstruction projects that are urgently needed in the disaster-stricken areas whose restoration and reconstruction plans have been clearly defined, they should be handled in a special and urgent manner. On the principle of urgency, open up green channels and start construction as soon as possible; support the organization of supply sources and transportation guarantees of important materials for restoration and reconstruction in the disaster area, and do a good job in coordination; further improve the policies on finance, taxation, finance, land, industry, etc. In particular, it is necessary to promptly formulate specific policies and measures for urban relocation, population resettlement, regional balance, fund raising, etc.; the disposal of land use rights after building damage, the disposal of contracted management rights after rural land damage, and the responsibilities caused by damage to houses, etc. We must do a good job in the revision of relevant laws, judicial interpretations, and the formulation of supporting regulations and policies in accordance with the law. It is necessary to conduct in-depth investigation and research in disaster areas, understand the progress of work, adjust and improve relevant policies, and help solve practical problems. The National Development and Reform Commission shall take the lead in organizing the mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the plan and the comprehensive summary work at the end of the implementation of the plan.

Promoting post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and economic and social development is an arduous task, a heavy responsibility and far-reaching significance. We must unite closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, carry forward the great national spirit tempered and sublimated in the fight against the earthquake and disaster relief, face difficulties, work hard, and strive to win new victories in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and economic and social development !

(This article is a speech made by Premier Wen Jiabao at the Sichuan Earthquake Relief Work Conference on September 2, and was abridged when published)



Wen Jiabao held a "press conference" in Yingxiu Town, the epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake


On the morning of September 2, when the Wenchuan earthquake had passed for more than 110 days and the large-scale restoration and reconstruction work in the disaster-stricken area was about to start, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the Premier of the State Council, and the General Headquarters of Earthquake Relief of the State Council were inspecting the earthquake-stricken area in Sichuan. Wen Jiabao, the commander-in-chief, went to Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan County, the epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake, to express condolences to the affected people, and then held a special "press conference" at the nearby resettlement site to answer questions from reporters.

Love is boundless and rebuilds the homeland—Wen Jiabao's investigation document in the earthquake zone in Sichuan


Wen Jiabao, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Premier of the State Council, and Commander-in-Chief of the Earthquake Relief Headquarters of the State Council, recently came to the earthquake-stricken area in Sichuan to offer condolences to the affected people, learn about the resettlement and reconstruction of the people in the disaster-stricken area, and make arrangements for the next step.

This is Wen Jiabao's fourth visit to the earthquake-stricken area in Sichuan since the "5.12" earthquake. It has been 110 days since the Wenchuan earthquake. What is the situation in the Sichuan earthquake-stricken area? How are the people settled? How is the restoration and reconstruction work going? From August 31 to September 3, accompanied by Liu Qibao, Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, and Jiang Jufeng, Governor of Sichuan Province, Wen Jiabao came to Wenchuan, Qingchuan, Beichuan, Dujiangyan and other earthquake-stricken areas to conduct inspections, and went deep into villages, schools, hospitals, enterprises, Residents' temporary resettlement sites and roads were rushed to the site, visited and expressed condolences to the affected people and construction teams, and encouraged everyone to work together to build a beautiful home.



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